Monday, October 1, 2007

Aleph to Tav

Aleph to Tav: " do not truly consider myself a Torah Scholar, as much as I consider myself an enthusiatic beginner with a great enthusiasm to learn. Aharon Moshe Sanders 5:20pm September 26, 2007 Chag Sameach! PS: The Gemara in places uses a numeric value of something of the order of 300 or more as a huge number. Therefore that fact that 300 words of Torah explain creation would be enough proof that there was a vast amount of time where things on heaven and earth came into being long before Adam Rishon came into existence. Fianlly when man does come into existence after a complete cycle (like our solar year but on a much grander scale- a complete 'creation cycle' of torah words (over 365 hebrew words) and the creation of man is discussed as 'let us create man in"

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