Wednesday, November 21, 2007

14 Kislev 5768, (24 November 2007). Torah Portion. VaYishlach, Genesis : 32:4-36:43.

Yakov was a realist. Yakov is the forefather to understand when we want to examine how to fit in with society, family, and friends. A superficial and unsophisticated approach to Yakov does not give the Torah student the proper perspective. Yakov knew how to put himself into the other guys shoes.

...positive staement about Yakov's character, he was not concerned about public opionion on an egotisitical platform, rather he was concerned that at some point family/smamily at some point Yakov might simply overstay his welcome...

An excerpt from a large overview in progress.

AhMbDvd November 21, 2007 10:41 am EST